SQL Masterclass
In this tutorial, you will explore database design and data analysis through two full project implementations.
- 2 Months
- 2 Projects
- 708+ Enrolled
What will you learn?
Create your own database or interact with existing ones. Create advanced SQL join queries using several tables. Utilizing SQL, create reports by modeling real-world data. Respond to inquiries about sales or company performance with data.
Introduction of the Courses
1 Lessons 1 hour 12 min
Introduction of the Courses
1 Lessons 1 hour 12 min
In this module you’ll learn:
Working with SQL
Module #2 1 Lessons 32 min
Working with SQL
Module #2 1 Lessons 32 min
In this module you’ll learn:
Relational Database Design
Module #3 1 Lessons 10 min
Relational Database Design
Module #3 1 Lessons 10 min
In this module you’ll learn:
Datatype of SQL
Module #4 1 Lessons 32 min
Datatype of SQL
Module #4 1 Lessons 32 min
In this module you’ll learn:
Sub-Language of SQL
Module #4 1 Lessons
Sub-Language of SQL
Module #4 1 Lessons
In this module you’ll learn:
Others :
Module #4 1 Lessons
Others :
Module #4 1 Lessons
In this module you’ll learn:
Implementation of the Final Project.
Module #4 1 Lessons
Implementation of the Final Project.
Module #4 1 Lessons
In this module you’ll learn:
Hi, I’m James Davies,
I will be taking you through lessons.
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